These images were removed from other SEFY pages for some reasons, but are still worth seeing.
, since ideas for a new homepage with more content were still being brainstormed.
An older precursor to The Matrix Zone
A link to the former home page from prior to November 22nd, 2019
NOTE: since the home page has been updated with a some changes, the old page before it shall be preserved as a historic relic of this project while the primary home page has it's own changes to be made. This page would experience some changes since the "YTMND" part of this project's name would be changed to say Youth instead so as to avoid any trademark infringement with Max Goldberg's old YTMND page from years ago, and also because SEFY has become more Geocities-esque, than YTMND-esque after several edits were made to it over time. Some links to YTMND-esque pages on this SEFY project would stop playing audio for some web browsers, so it was time to move their links to a historic page, rather than keep them on the main page as some more Geocities-esque aestheitcs would be added to this project.
Fast-forward to the 2022, and the name Suzanne's Escape From Youth would be yet again, renamed to Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard.
Former welcome page images:
this image of Leonard Cohen and Suzanne Somers in a MAP14 jacuzzi from Doom II. Formely used as a gag photo for the welcome page, replaced with a similar image for more eye candy
this image was used to reference YTMND, but avoided use of the famous YTMND logo to avoid trademark infringement, but later on SEFY changed the "YTMND" part of it's name to say Youth instead, to further make it's connection to YTMND less apparent as SEFY was starting to become more Geocities-esque than YTMND-esque after several page edits.
this image which is a modified version of the above has been replaced by a new collage of retro icons related to computers and Geocities nostalgia.
A red carpet style marquee with the two Suzanne ladies, this welcome banner has been replaced by a 90s style computer!
An earlier version of the collage of computer-related icons with the two ladies named Suzanne who represent SEFY on each side of the marquee that says the site name. When the website got renamed to Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard which SEFY also stands for, some items in the image got moved around to make way for a redesigned marquee, along with new icons beond added to this image, some new captions about Suzanne Somers and Suzanne Vega, the two Suzannes of SEFY would replace the old ones with a different font, and some existing text from this image would be moved by a few pixels to also make way for various new icons since Neocities user empeethree, aka "Suzanne" felt that more references to 90s computer culture and etc. should be displayed in the image. This old image would be named "Susannah.png" as an reference one of many names that Suzanne is the French variant of, and, various images of the lily flower would be added in select places of the image as an homage to the fact that the name Suzanne (along with Susannah) are name cognates which derived from an ancient Hebrew name that meant Lily, and the revised image where all the changes have been made uses the filename of Shoshanna.png as a nod to that.
Former images from the home page prior to November 2019:
![Leonard Cohen and Suzanne Somers in a hottub in MAP14 of Doom II](
A smaller version of the source image that would be used as a gag image for the welcome page, both this, and the bigger image from the home page and subsequent welcome page respectively, have each been replaced with a special version with a vintage TV wrapping around it, to give kinda a Three's Company type vibe.
an earlier version of the color changing iPod GIF, swapped out with a higher rez variant without the earbuds, or mis-aligned image placement on some frames, the replacement GIF also doesn't have square-shaped white background.
This image used to occur 8 times on the home page, but then got replaced with single GIF where they appear more random, and with a computer on top inside it.
Former home page images (2022-present):
Between the years 2019 and 2022, the home page hasn't seen any image removals, but there's been some removals since late 2022.
A home page change notice marquee using Windows 3.1 style aesthetics, has been enlarged to 2x size, with the dimensions adjusted, and also, the modified version of this Win3.1 style marquee has also had some adjustment to the font kerning, and has deviated from being perfectly in scale with enlarged pixels, with some other deviating adjustments for some style.
Message images:
The images seen here were previously uploaded for the purpose of sharing in the guestbooks of other Neocities users, since some of those guestbooks also include image sharing.
The lovely Suzanne Somers says "I love you" to fans!
A story about mysteriously disappeared content:
After taking another look at SEFY's old pages, some content has disappeared, or what one might call "link rot".
A Gfycat video loop of Suzanne Vega mysteriously disappeared from The Matrix Zone, aka "former home page". One reason why is because the website Gfycat shut down for weird reasons that are hard to understand.
In addition to the Gfycat shutdown, some content that was uploaded to Discord back in the year 2018 (and maybe 2019 as well) disappeared too. Some old content that was uploaded to Discord for use as a hosting domain of images and MP3 audio was uploaded there as it was hard to find other domains to host content on, but somehow Discord content would disappear, as it was never anticipated that the content would expire.
One story behind the Discord content was that it was uploaded for use in some test pages, during an era when a project called NeoYTMND was being developed as a replacement to the legendary YTMND website after some incidents with YTMND dawt com owner Max Goldberg deleted content on the 2000s to 2010s era YTMND, which would be nicknmaed Paleo YTMND after the NeoYTMND project started.
Over time the NeoYTMND project would shut down after some tensions between YTMND users eruped, and Neocities user empeethree, known as "Suzanne" to YTMND people would be upset about how divided the community would be. Over time, as empeethree, aka "Suzanne" kept making some YTMND-esque pages on Neocities, to distance "her"self from trolls on Max's PaleoYTMND, empeethree's page would eventurally be named Suzanne's Escape From YTMND.. But over time as empeethree started doing more edits to SEFY, the "YTMND" part of the SEFY name would be changed to "Youth" as the SEFY project was becoming less YTMND-esque, and started focusing more on Geocities-style eye candy of 88x31 buttons and stuff like that.
After more time has passed by, SEFY get renamed, yet again, to Suzanne's Electornic Fun Yard when more homages to retro computer electronics would be added to the project, namely Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 aesthetics would take over the site by around the year 2022, but, as of 2024, it's been discovered that even the Discord uploads have disappeared for some of the old YTMND-esque pages that were made in the early SEFY days which started in parallel to the NeoYTMND project. Also, some content used for some welcome pages made for the subreddit /r/TruckStopBathroom have also disappeared too. So, it's only a matter of time before any further link rot happens. There was also an event in mid-2023 where website Imgur was going to delete lots of images because of its issue of porn being uploaded, so that there raised concern about link rot in SEFY.
This section has become longer than empeethree, the owner of SEFY, has anticipated, so ther will be plans for a dedicated SEFY history page will be made to document the history of SEFY, with it's eras of content style, and it's events of good and bad it's experienced. You never know if SEFY might make Internet history as a free entertainment activism community with prosperous nostalgia.
Other items which have disappeared from the home page, at random times, are 88x31 buttons representing other Neocitizens, as some Neocitizens would occasionally delete 88x31 buttons of their sites, and sometimes this link rot has been overlooked.
More info:
The idea of calling this page the "cutting room floor" was inspired by past moments of visiting a website called which documents removed or unused elements from video games, so it was realized that some page revisions might involve anticipated removal of some images, but we want to make sure guests are still able to see old images for amusement or nostalgia purposes.
This cutting room floor page might see a few more sections added to it in the future, as more changes get made to this SEFY website.
more images coming here in the future, if any get removed from any SEFY pages...
See also: